environment graphic designs (part 2)
responsibilities include: environment graphics, logo design, retouching and illustration
© Robert "Bob" MacNeil All Rights Reserved.
responsibilities include: environment graphics, logo design, retouching and illustration
© Robert "Bob" MacNeil All Rights Reserved.
project completion time: 1 1/2 weeks
This project was essentially part 2 of a submission package I created for Pixar Animation Studios (to accompany my original Back to the Past project). I was applying for a graphic design position on Toy Story 3.
I produced this project immediately after my meeting with Pixar as an answer to questions asked of me by Ricky Nierva during my interview. He said he would like to see how I handled designing graphics no one has ever seen before. I guess it was his nod to Wall-E, (as that film was in the final push before release) so I took it upon myself to fast forward my fifties scene to a distant, undefined future.

Because this project was a follow up to an interview I had already experienced, speed was of the necessity. At this point I did not receive word of their decision, so I put this sampling together to show Pixar my seriousness in wanting to work on Toy Story 3. I was, at the time so driven to be part of their pipeline, I did this work at night In about 1 1/2 weeks (after already having an on-site interview) while also holding down a full time job during the day. Yeah I know, what the hell was I thinking?

Unlike my experience with creating environment art for an American 1950's setting, this futuristic world I now embarked on had no real imagery I could refer to. Because I was literally under time pressure to get this done, I could barely perform the proper amount of research I should have. What I did do, however, was take current designs from the last few years ( at that time) that I was able to collect from the internet and sort of average the trends I saw. From this, I was able to produce an amalgam of what I believed the future might hold for graphic content. Again, I would have preferred to have more time to really do my research, but I did what I could.

This image below was an attempt at connecting my fifties project, with this new future project. LR LR BA, the name of the fictitious televison station I envisioned... is actually a segment of a cheat code from an old favorite game of mine titled "Contra". Most of you not alive in the 80's might be totally confused now!!!! sorry...

This image below was actually my favorite graphic I created for this project. It's been a running joke between my wife and myself... she's the coffee chain fan, not me, as you might suspect... I would like to revisit this one day, if I ever get a free twenty minutes to spare.

I was granted an interview at Pixar for my work, but unfortunately, did not get the job. I never got a real reason as to why, but I did hear a number of people I interviewed with all thought I was a perfect candidate. I did however, gain some great friends from the experience. So their loss or mine, you decide.....