Concept Design: Bob MacNeil + Shannon Munayer
Creative Director: Bob MacNeil
Lead Digital Painter: Shannon Munayer
Creative Director: Bob MacNeil
Lead Digital Painter: Shannon Munayer
Production Art + Graphic Design: Shannon Munayer + Bob MacNeil
Buffalo & Co. TM is © 2016 PLAYSTUDIOS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

To provide clear direction to Shannon on how the animals should be painted, I provided her with this rough walk-through painting of the fawn. In lieu of handling the forms as a solid unified mass (where light and shadow would interact with one another based on the forms exposure to the light) I had Shannon separate out big shapes in each animal and paint them independently. Proper form rendering rules were broken to emphasize a graphic sensibility in each character design. To support a sense of realism, Shannon utilized consistent light sources for each animal and textured brushes to give the impression of real fur.